Earth allies is a non-profit platform created to enable people to share their ideas on how to be greener such as ideas to reduce waste, re-use, upcycle, recycle, support wildlife, protect and foster living ecosystems.
We've shared some ideas in the Inspire section but would love to share your ideas also, please send us a photo and short description. We welcome all ideas from simple, easy to implement, small changes to green revolutions that you've implemented.
The platform also highlights environment-focused projects that are looking for funding, resources, volunteers, expertise or advice. The Enable section of the platform highlights projects seeking support, what's needed and what will be done. We will be funding and supporting a small number of projects but will be relying on the wider community to support projects of interest.
If you have a project in need of support that you would like to be listed on Earth allies then please submit the project using our submission form.
We are a family in Fulbourn, Cambridgeshire who want to do more to help protect our planet for future generations and help tackle climate change by encouraging individuals to take action that collectively makes a big impact.
We are biologists by training and are amazed and inspired by the natural world but we're also deeply concerned by its decline. Protecting the planet not only helps nature but ultimately helps all humankind since we depend on the benefits of a healthy living system.
Let us know your success stories, inspirations and actions to help tackle climate change and protect our environment. We'd love to hear from you.
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